If it's 0 bytes, it's dead (most likely, an overzealous security software on your computer or mail server deleted its contents thinking it was dangerous). Check the file size of the licence file.When you load the license file in Wordfast Pro 3, make sure you don't load the old one! Mac users: when you unzip a fresh license file in a folder where you keep a previously created license file, MacOS may append a number to the file name of your new license file, so it will be called 12345678(1).lic, rather than just 12345678.lic.Make sure the date on your computer (the system date) is good.
When you do so, make sure you use the install number shown in Wordfast Pro on your computer. Is it the same as your licence file name? If not, generate a new licence file.
Go to Help / License Management in Wordfast Pro. If you followed all three steps to license Wordfast Pro on your computer, and yet it continues to display DEMO MODE in the title bar, check these things: If you are not sure how, see this short video. If you can't see the install number in Help / License Management menu in Wordfast Pro, the License Management window is likely too small. #WORDFAST PRO CRACKED HOW TO#
The article also advises how to recover your password. Troubleshooting I can't log in at the website
Select (Re-)Install a license Certificate. Open Wordfast Pro and go to Help / License Management. Step three: Load the licence file in Wordfast Pro Make sure to extract (unzip) the licence file before you use it. When you download the licence file, it's zipped (the file extension is. Use it if you cannot download the license file. Note: You will also receive a copy of the license file by email from our system. Note: The licence file is very small (less than 1 kilobyte) and downloads very fast. Save the licence file (*.lic) to your desktop (or any folder on your computer). Note: To download the licence file, right-click the download link on the confirmation page, and select Save link as (or some something along these lines - the exact wording depends on your browser). Download the licence file from our website. Paste the install number in the box labelled Your Wordfast PRO 3 install number (8 figures). This is important for clients who own more than one valid license.) (The license file will be generated for that license. Log in at Wordfast website ( or ( with your login email and password. Step two: Generate licence file at our website Never re-use an old install number you may have seen in Wordfast Pro in the past because it would not work. Important: Always use the install number shown in Wordfast Pro now. (If you can't see the install number there, see Troubleshooting section below.) Copy the INSTALL NUMBER currently shown in Help / License Management menu. Open Wordfast Pro and go to Help menu / License Management. Step one: Find out what your current install number is To license Wordfast Pro on your computer, follow the three steps detailed below.
Three steps to license Wordfast Pro on your computer
1.3 Step three: Load the licence file in Wordfast Pro. 1.2 Step two: Generate licence file at our website.
1.1 Step one: Find out what your current install number is.1 Three steps to license Wordfast Pro on your computer.