After failing to get Arnold's kite to fly, Pig and Arnold run away in fright after seeing Kipper's spotted face.and get the kite to fly.Seeing everyone think Kipper is sick because he's got red paint spots on his face.When Arnold indicates it isn't, Kipper realizes it's his magnifying glass. When Kipper sees Arnold eating a lollipop, he asks if it's tasty.After talking about how Pig's toy rocket is better than the UFO Kipper found (that turns out to be real), the real UFO tosses the toy off the table when Kipper and Pig leave.The poor ghost trying and failing to pick up a glass of milk.It seems Arnold has the hiccups by the end of the episode.Kipper: Maybe *hic!* it's because *hic!* you're not a bear. At number 13, he counts a kangaroo, which wakes him up instantly. He begins wondering why you're supposed to count sheep. Kipper tries counting sheep to get to sleep, which seems to work.After explaining that tadpoles are baby frogs and not fish, Tiger laughs, thinking it's ridiculous.While in the water, a huge tidal wave comes in that he has to run away from. While on vacation, Tiger goes to the beach.Arnold refering to the kitten as a duck.After the third time, Kipper just gives an abridged and speedy version of the intro. Kipper keeps starting the story until he's interuppted by Tiger wanting to feel more secure.Thankfully, Kipper assures him bats are normally harmless. When asked about bats, Kipper says there's bound to be bats living there, which freaks out Tiger. During the camping trip, Tiger asks Kipper if there's any bears or wolves in the forest, which Kipper doubts.Before the Bleepers are taken back to the Mother Ship, Kipper gives them a flower as a good-bye present.As thanks for helping the repair their ship, they take the controls for Kipper's RC truck and rewire it.They instead decide to eat the sticks and wrappers. After struggling to figure out what they're supposed to do with them, they eat them and turn sickly green. Kipper offers the Bleepers some lollipops he brought with him.While mocking Kipper, one Bleeper pulls his ears down, only for them to stick right back up.